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Fo Shizzle

Thanks, Snoop Dogg. It was Snoopzilla himself who brought the world’s most irritating rap slang term “fo shizzle” into main-stream culture. Basically, if you ask your child a simple question such as, “Would you like some mashed potatoes, honey?” and you get the answer, “Fo shizzle pops!” translate it as “Of course, I love mashed potatoes dad”. It’s a form of answering in the affirmative to replace terms such as “for sure”, “yes” and “I agree”. However, to entirely blame Snoop for bringing this annoying slang into our homes isn’t entirely fair. People have been adding the suffix “izz” and “izzle” to words for years to add a bit more “pizzazz” and “fizzle” to our language.

Jim said "Fo shizzle ye skank!"

by SirLicksAlot May 24, 2015

Fo shizzle

Hip hop slang for “for sure”.

Wanna go to the movies today ella?

Yeah fo shizzle!

by Therealwords123 November 6, 2021

fo shizzle

its like saying "for sure" but with more slang.

friend 1: let's go out to eat
friend 2: fo shizzle

by kloey lopez August 26, 2019

Fo Shizzle

The longer way of saying fo sho or for sure

John is the one(own) in the Dyetones, Fo shizzle

by Dyetones April 8, 2022

Fo' Shizzle

1). Ghetto slang for 'for sure', derived from the black artist Snoop Dogg. Often accompanied by 'my nizzle', which is slang for 'my nigga'.

2). Fo shizzle can also be used as a synonym for 'stuff'.


Dude 1: Hey, (Dude 2), d'you wanna come with me tonight for some sick Subway sandwiches?

Dude 2: Fo' shizzle my nizzle!


Dude 1: What you up to, man?

Dude 2: Just chillin' n' fo' shizzle.

by buzzspark July 15, 2017

Fo shizzle

Apparently when you search up gang look at the sentence part and the gangs name is do shizzle. Please help I had nothing to do.

Thug1: hey bruh
Thug2: yea bruh?
Thug1: what should our gang name be?

Thug2: The single most deadliest , intimidating name ever
Thug1: what?!
Thug2: Fo shizzle

Thug1: ok

by doodoodaequann September 18, 2019

binkie binkie bo binkie banana fana fo stinky

A very silly or ridiculous girl.

“binkie binkie bo binkie banana fana fo stinky,

me mi mo minky,

“I can’t tell who's having a stroke here.”

“It’s us, both.”

by athaz369 June 27, 2023