What happens when Yv and Nest make a catch-up call
After months without a word, They spent 2:34 hours catching up. Time flies when you're having fun.
When you’re competing against someone or multiple persons to achieve a common goal for pure liesure. Each participate does not have to personally know who the others are and fails to make any physical interactions with others.
Travis and Graciela were playing Kahoot in Mr. Warble’s class. Graciela’s username is Brian. Travis’ username is Trailmix. Both players recognize the existence of others in the game but focus solely on themselves in relation to other people and have a mere great time doing so, therefore, they are having Indirect Fun.
When you’re competing against someone or multiple persons to achieve a common goal for pure liesure. Each participate does not have to personally know who the others are and usually fails to make any physical interactions with the others.
Travis and Graciela were playing Kahoot in Mr. Warble’s class. Graciela’s username is Brian. Travis’ username is Trailmix. Both players recognize the existence of others in the game but focus solely on themselves in relation to other people and have a mere great time doing so, therefore, they are having Indirect Fun.
A song by Mitchell Snoots
Goddamnit bitch ass motherfucking cock
Holy shit that son of a bitch
Aw shit you faggot slut faced whore
Stupid retard fucked up my room
Retarded bitches suck my balls
Go fuck me right in the ass
Dirty cunt I swear to God
Cocksucker bastard stupid ass bitch
Asshole pussy suck my dick
Who're bitch slut fag motherfucker cock
Using bad words is lots of fun
Fiona Snoots: Mitchell did you sing fun to use bad words
Mitchell Snoots: Yes I did faggot
Putting a little more cheese on your burger than you should
Cheddar and jack make my burger sleazy fun with cheesy buns!
When you are making puns because they are too irresistible to keep inside.
I'm having enormous pun fun. I can't help myself!
A fun punch directly into the female nether regions.
I gave sally a fun punch she will never forget. She had the best time.