Brain dead French teacher who picks favourites, absolutely disliked by ever individual.
Favourite student: What’s this answer
Ms. Shaunessy: number 3
Disliked student: *silently eats Cheerios*
Ms. Shaunessy: those Cheerios really hurt my nose, the smell is so horrid get that strong smell out of my class.
Disliked student: ok you cheerio hating bitch
What you hear when you leave a group. They smile in your face but stab you in the back when you walk off.
I'm gonna see if I can knock this bitch down.
Yeah, I'll look at ya later.
(Walks away but hears, 'he ain't getting shit.')
This is back door hate...the hate you barely hear when walking away.
The restaurant that "haters" go to eat at.
He is such a hater that I think I saw him at Steak and Hate the other night
A real word that exists. This is the opposite of hate (duh.)
Colin, don’t worry. I un-hate you, so you don’t have to worry about me leaving.
one who hates on you, but when you stand up for yourself they go running telling someone like a group of their friends or supervisor
ignacz rudely infromed me complaing of some stupid stuff about me. i went off on him calling him a punk and not to even speak to me. ignacs hate bitch ran to the supervisor
Kid: *throws sand at the man*
Kid *runs off, giggling*
Man: Ugh, I hate children.
Inhumane Treatment of a husband or Boyfriend durning times of insanity or menstrual cycle of ones wife or girlfriend.
Crystal must be upset today because she is treating Austin like her hate toy.