A tea sipping frog (posh)
Person 1: eww he’s drinking leaves
Person 2: That’s a Luke Monkhouse
Luke is a guy, usually a red head who is obsessed with one girl and one girl only. (Crystal) So basically, a simp. He overuses the word cool but really loves whoever he likes. (Crystal) He trusts whoever he likes, (Crystal,) and has nothing to hide. Also, he goes to girl he likes best friend (Ava) and tells her on a daily how cool Crystal is cause he's a simp. Also, all Ava is used for is to express his love for her. (Crystal.) Also he apparently is very excited to get his license.
Yo Ava, who is he?
Oh Crystal's Luke, he's this guy who is a simp for Crystal and thinks she's VERY cool.
luke and sam are dating and they watch movies together
lets go luke x sam
When you get fucked with a jalapeno popper while bending over a car.
Damn I could really go for getting Luked right now.
Person 1: I'm gonna get Luked
Person 2: Damn, wish I could get fucked over a car right now too. =(
Person 1: Dude it's gonna be spicy.
You may have been aiming for awesome but you missed you mark by just a couple of miles
Damn dude you totally Luked that
Just like joshing around, to get luked means your friend makes a joke at your expense. It is typically not funny either.
This day is not his birthday. It’s just all about Luke Bilo