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fag ninja

a person who is sneaky enough to stick his abnormaly large penis in your ass while your asleep.

dude: hey why are you limping?
friend: i got a fag ninja last night.
dude: damn that sucks!

by brosive November 3, 2010

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The Lazy Ninja

A modified version of the original Ninja - A sex position where a dildo and a Clapper are needed. With the lights off, proceed to have doggystyle sex with a woman then pull-out and stick the dildo in her so she thinks you are still in her. Then with two firm reverberant slaps on the buttocks, the lights will automatically turn on - then proceed to punch her in the face and yell, " I'M A LAZY NINJA!!!".
This is good for all ages - no need to search for the light switch.

I broke my legs skiing in Killington this weekend yet, I was still able to perform The Lazy Ninja!

by The barn January 29, 2011

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Emo Ninja

An emo ninja is generally a emo kid who goes around going 'omgosh ninjas are so cool they make me want to crap my pants!!!'
they talk about their 'awsome' ninja 'skills' and have pretend ninja fight with their emo friends

Jim: hahaha i will kick yo ASS with my awsome emo ninja skills
Kate: NOWAY cuz my emo ninja skills are so way more, like SKILLFULL than yours!!!

by Viksta November 22, 2005

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street ninja

A peron in a gang,who has indeed lost so many brain cells that they think they belong to a Japanese night hitmen.

Yo nigga miky's so stupid. He think hes a street ninja, foo'! Oh can I be one, yea start by hittin' this!

by omar March 31, 2004

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porn ninja

to run into a room and jump on the room's occupants while naked or mostly naked while yelling "PORN NINJA!" and "I'M A KARATE DUDE!" at the top of your lungs. rubbing of your naked bits onto the person in the room is strongly advised.
doing ninja-like flying kicks is also appropriate.
made popular by Fall Out Boy's Pete Wentz in the video Release the Bats.
usually done when drunk, high, or just crazy.

"i was laying on my bed reading a book and Sally came in and porn ninjaed me!"

"Really? to what level?"

"she rubbed her naked body all over me and did flying kicks at my head!"

by Lali Pop June 25, 2007

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ninja please

like nigga please, but for slick folk.
means i don't think so

"you think that chick is hot?ninja, please!"

by jilldo December 28, 2004

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crisp ninja

A person who eats a food that is generally detarmined as a noisy food e.g crisps with a strange silence. This person does not have to be asian.

I was sittin in the cinema and i heard every word. It must of been filled with crisp ninjas or summin.

by Henry O November 1, 2007

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