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Flip Phone Pervert

Anyone who secretly uses their mobile phone to take pictures or video of people in public places.

Man #1- Hey asshole, you recording my girlfriend doing beer bongs and passing out drunk? I'm going to kick your ass, you Flip Phone Pervert.

Man #2- If your girlfriend wasn't making such a whore out of herself I wouldn't be doing it. Anyway, a concert parking lot isn't then best place to expect privacy.

by joeh1995 June 19, 2011

4πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

get off the phone

A slang term that means stop giving oral sex

"oh henry, get off the phone, I gotta" in the lyrics of "Suffragette city" a song written by Daivid Bowie

by Captain Cheesewhiz January 9, 2012

5πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

my phone's about to die

This is an expression commonly used to signal to another party that either a) you no longer want to text them, or b) you intend on hanging up. This is a smooth way to avoid answering or hearing things from other people.

However, sometimes, it's true, and the person's phone really is about to die. This is rare.

(speaking on the phone)
Katie: So I've really been thinking about you a lot. I think I might love y-
Michael: Oh, shi*, sorry, my phone's about to die! -click-

Chelsea: Myfriend Kyle said he really digs u. what did u think about him?
Sam: sry my phones about 2 die

by evil_gumball April 18, 2011

9176πŸ‘ 1184πŸ‘Ž

hit my phone up

'Hit my phone up' used only by people called Justin Bieber in songs. It simply means 'hit me up' or even more simply 'call me' or 'text me on my mobile telephone' but that wouldn't cut it as a lyric in his song.

Friend 1: 'Hey do you fancy going out tonight?'
Friend 2: 'yeah sure hit my phone up whenever you're ready'

by Esta Loco Vida January 16, 2016

62πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Acid Trip Flip Phone

The Woodstock Generation’s answer to the Jitterbug Flip Phone, also remarkably easy to use, even when stoned or cognitively impaired.

We got our Dad an Acid Trip Flip Phone; he’ll probably still be using it when he’s down to one functional dendrite.

by Dr Bunnygirl September 15, 2019

new phone who dis?

1. A common response when getting a text from an unknown number. Can be used even if your phone isn't new.
2. Using the above tactic to belittle someone you do, in fact, know.
3. A title of a diss track from an episode of You're The Worst.

"hey i'm in town tonight! let's hit the clubs"
"new phone who dis?"

"i'm pregnant"
"uhhhh...new phone who dis?"

"Did you see last night's You're The Worst? My favorite part was when Sam rapped 'new phone who is.'"
"Such a great scene. We've all been there amirite?"

by suddenvalley November 16, 2015

173πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

New phone, who dis?

When a person asks you a question you don't want to answer you say "new phone, who dis" to avoid answering. From vine Wellington Boyce.

Side chick: babe

You: Wuts up ?
Side chick: I love you;)
You: new phone, who dis?
Side chick: what!?

by jutn July 7, 2015

966πŸ‘ 159πŸ‘Ž