Congrats your a smart ass or really bored, go play CS:GO or COD or something or go outside.
Type any word
Person: types any word
6👍 2👎
Urban dictionary told me to look this up, so I did.
Urban Dictionary: “Type any word...”
6👍 2👎
If you look at the cars 3 movie and the main characters from How To Dragon 3 movie then you know that Cars 3 movie is actually Asian because you've never seen a fat Asian before therefore, American but not African therefore African-American therefore a random word is a random word. You should make one of these, it's so fun lol.
This word is so A Random Word!
Yeah I know right?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
O mai Gawd
7👍 2👎
hay: Hello
nm: Nothing Much
u : You
uk: Are you OK?
bby: Baby
tins: Things
ne: Any
dat: That
ppl: People
tnks: Thanks
gd: Good
sam: hay
jon: hay uk
sam: yeah tnks u
those are so gay msn words
373👍 342👎
Can you imagine us talking to each other???
I would love to have a conversation face to face…
However, I lose it being in the same parking lot… oh good grief to me.
I just need to do it…
Ah shit… yep… thought is gone!!!
Am I the only one having this issue?
Pulling myself together :)
I can do this!!!
If you agree… no looking at my hands or wondering why the floor under my feet is shaking? Random earthquake in our town🤷 ♀️
Also, who knows what is going to come out my mouth… hoping words…
Why don’t you have earthquakes? You are always so calm…
I can do this!!!
Want to know what else? Sometimes my mind think numbers mean times🤔🤷 ♀️ I haven’t followed it yet as I was on the bus, but you never know.
This was today’s random words babble post:)
I love you!!!
7👍 70👎
Free words!!!
Free words here!!!
Need words?
Come get them from her❤️❤️❤️
She will send them through the birds…
Or meet her when the hour is a third ❤️
Have you heard?
She loves you!!!
She wants only you!!!
She needs in your arms!!!
Your words, you will find…
All you need to do…
Is hear her say…
I love you❤️❤️❤️❤️
7👍 71👎
"yoo i dont kno bout you but im bout my paper word up"
"word up son u kno i got you"
110👍 92👎