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Phone Pimp

The person who calls you from a public event such as a concert, ball game, or the like and holds his/her phone up for you to hear whats going on.

ME: "Hey man, check this out...wish you were here"!
YOU: "Aw man, what a cool phone pimp"

by Phone Man May 17, 2006

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Pimp Slap

When a guy bitch slaps another guy/girl. Since its a guy doing all the slapping its called a pimp slap.

Dude, I'm seriously going to pimp slap you upside the head.

by Paige92 March 29, 2008

6๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

pimp skillet

1 What a pimp eats for breakfast.

"He be a hard working man, needs him self a pimp skillet sized breakfast in the morning"

by StingraY June 16, 2003

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pimp stick

A pimp's erect penis used inplace of a trick beating stick or pimp cane.

"Bitch give me my motha fuckin money or I'm gonna beat yo monkey ass with my pimp stick again"

by JJ420 September 7, 2006

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pimp man

a guy who is so pimpin you would think hes gay

yo hes gay
fr he is a pimp man

by cock shit April 14, 2021

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Pimp Easton

Pimp Easton is a term to describe someone with lots of bitches and or hoes.

They are based.

Usually around the height of 4-5 inches.

They have an abnormally large cock. Known to drink gallons of cum each day from a golden pimp chalice.

Be a Pimp Easton

A: "Woah did you see Charlie walking around town last night?"
B: "Yeah, that's a Pimp Easton if I ever saw one."

by BoyBrains July 14, 2022

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Midget Pimp

A person who pimps out little people prostitutes exclusively.

With the large demand for sexy little people, the midget pimp's business was booming. pimpmidgetlittle people

by Leah Bo Beah April 29, 2011

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