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A phrase made toward people saying / doing great things,educational, Inspirational factual and or saying things to influence others in a positive way instead of saying Amen after the pastors ceremon the people said Say Dat!

Vsean shouted out Say DaT ! After the football rally and the whole crowd was in a uproar!

My Mom hinted out loud she was in need of a back massage and my aunt replied Say Dat

by Bryan K Bradley February 19, 2019

Sai Sri Raj

Sai Sri Raj is such a beautiful and sexy lad, he turns on guys in a second. He is the front runner for the Indian LGBTQ+ community.

Oh man i saw Sai Sri Raj today and i got sooo wet!!

by LilBoomer69 December 12, 2021

say it with me now!

When a famous performer is about to say their catchphrase (or something they've been repeatedly saying throughout their routine) and wants the audience to join in.

This caused -- say it with me now! -- confusion and delay.

by Stupidly Sophisticated December 20, 2020

say peanuts

Without the T

say peanuts without the t
Oh, that’s easy! Peanus!

by LongJohnJohn October 12, 2020

Brielle says the n word

When a white person cannot say the n-word so in replacement they say “Brielle says the n-word”

John(white): What’s up my “Brielle says the n word”
Damien(black): Oh hey what’s up

by Supermonkeygorillabaddie1 July 8, 2024

Brielle says the n word

When a white person cannot say the n-word so in replacement they say “Brielle says the n-word”

John(white): What’s up my “Brielle says the n word”
Damien(black): Oh hey what’s up

by Supermonkeygorillabaddie1 July 8, 2024

Brielle says the n word

When a white person cannot say the n-word so in replacement they say “Brielle says the n-word”

John(white): What’s up my “Brielle says the n word”
Damien(black): Oh hey what’s up

by Supermonkeygorillabaddie1 July 8, 2024