Driving through a lonely mountain pass at the dead of night, you see a pair of amber headlights approach rapidly in the distance. The headlights fade when you go full send on the straight line, but when you arrive at the entrance of the corner, suddenly, the car behind gets dangerously close. At the blink of an eye, the car lines up with the guardrail on your left, it initiates “The Move” and proceeds to fly pass you. Being shocked and horrified of what just happened, you mistook the corner and crashed onto a light post on the side of the road, destroying your car and making yourself feel like a shithead.
Seeing the car in front of you block the whole road, you plan to initiate “The Move” and pass him once on for all.
"Mom, if you make me some cookies, that would be a clutch ass move."
When someone is buying bad stuff.
He just did the denis move!
Look, he just bought trash again, the typical denis move!
"A Shea move" is used to describe a situation in where someone has done something unlike themselves or "Out of place". This term was created in the start of July 2022. .
An example of this term is shown here. "Why would you do that, That was a Shea move you just did there"
A d move is When someone invites you to something, but then does it without you. It is normalt known as a dick move or a douche move.
Josh invited me to go to the cinema, but then left without me!
Damn that’s such a D move of him
A act of douchebaggery
The neighbor is really pulling a billy move shooting off fireworks at 4am
When you need to go and jerk off.
Yo guys i'll join back in the party in a bit i gotta go move a couch.