A mobility scooter-obese woman who tries to find some sex by using Tinder as a means of hiding her bariatric condition.
"You remember I told you bout Debbie from Tinder? Turned out she was a damn web whale! "
" You're so desperately fat and deformed the only way you can get close to a sexual intercourse is from being a web whale."
My beautiful, amazing, perfect, wonderful best friend Chantal 🥰
The best shark EVER.
Did you know Whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) are known as the biggest fish in the ocean, or gentle giants. A female of this species grows to about 15m or 49 ft. These sharks are known to not show any aggression towards human or other species. They feed on plankton, small shrimp and fish, they are also filter feeders. They swim at a speed of 5 km per hour, migrating a long way, while filtering 6,000 l of water per hour through their gills. They can be found swimming in warm temperature seas, expect the Mediterranean sea. Whale sharks have a layer of mucus on their body, which to the touch is scrubbed off, causing discomfort to the shark. They have a spot on their body that works like a fingerprint. They are silly. An adult whale shark, which less than 10 % actually make it to be one, can weigh something about 41,000 pounds. Their mouths, which when open can be around 4 feet, have no visible teeth, as there are thousands of tiny teeth in there. A whale shark who makes it to adulthood, makes it to be 150 years old. There have been no known records of whale sharks harming humans.
Ex. Wendy:" What is your opinion on whale sharks? "
Sydney degagne
How an oversized being is described as a. Whale shark
1. Shark that functions similarly to a whale, despite not being one
2. Slang term to qualify someone absurdly fat or, more generally, nerds and weebs
1. I saw a whale shark near a bunch of remoras!
2. Ugh, that person on discord keeps correcting me, what a whale shark...
Sub species of river roach, in the megawhore family. Just like a river roach, the river whale can be found floating on America's waterways in summertime, sleeping with anything with three legs. However, the river whale does not need an innertube or raft, as she is so morbidly obese as to act as her own buoy. May be found in bikini tops 4 sizes too small.
Datum, look at the water glistening off that river whale. Hope she doesn't run aground in the shallows!