Source Code

Steague Drunk

To be beyond the normal measures of drunk or intoxicated

"wow, that girl is steague drunk"

by the steague December 7, 2009

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Kayla Drunk

Being so drunk that everything pisses you off and hitting and pinching becomes your only form of communication. Often results in the loss of shoes especially if they are boots or heels. Loss of volume control is the first sign of an individual becoming Kayla drunk.

After a magnum bottle of champagne and a few Screw Drivers, Denise had become Kayla drunk hitting her friends and throwing her heels into the forest, while yelling at cars.

by John Yaya October 11, 2012

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Flack Drunk

Becoming very intoxicated on beer or whiskey while at a Bar.

"Hey dude, I'm pretty flack drunk, trying to roll out?"- Dude1

"I'm pretty flacked"-Dude 2

"I'm awfully flacked, not sure where I'll wake up tomorrow, probs gonna get a slick hummer on the sly"- Dude 3

by UMDguy April 26, 2009

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drunk houdini

When a guy at a party hits on drunk girls and pretends he's drunk too so they'll do sexual things for him without thinking he's using them, when in all actuality he's very much sober and will have no problem remembering everything that happened that night, unlike the drunk girl. If you see signs of this happening, it's automatically a party foul and makes you an instant creepers, by which someone should throw you out.

Becky: "omahgod johnny how you are you!!!!! i loooveee youuu!!!"

Jake: "omg hey!!! how are you!!! it's Jake btw, some party huh!"

Becky: "oooh yeahh like totaly im on my 4th margirita, im so loose right now!!!"

Jake: "ooh,...oh yeah me too! i just had uh, 13 beers i'm sooo drunk woooo!!! you're so hot, we should hook up since we're drunk and all!!!"

Becky: "oooh totally! i love me some drunk sex, its fun and no one remembers afterwards, its great! lets do it!"

Jake: *quietly says* well...at least one of us will remember heh heh heh....

Becky: "wait, what did you say? you're not pulling a drunk houdini on me are you??"

Jake: "oh nothing! i said i can't wait to have drunk sex with you!!!" (in his head "ooooh yeah!!)

by OshKosh07 September 2, 2009

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designated drunk

Person in a group designated to drink and act like a fool for the immense enjoyment of others.

Before the Partwii, Lauren, the cyborg, bus surfed over to Mickey D’s with his brofriend Chuck Norris and bought a McGangbang happy meal with the funds that he jacked from his sugar momma after his disco nap that afternoon. Chuck pulled out his phone from his nuthuggers and started sexting a ginger slice with a tramp stamp that he had been friendly following ever since they shared a game of Jager pong. Lauren gave Chuck the air jerk as he noticed Tanasa the grade digger that sat next to him in his art class. Lauren gave her the β€œlet’s just be friends” nod and grabbed his happy meal. As Lauren walked outside he saw, Bruce, the designated drunk, as he started wailing teenybopper show tunes. Bruce was manstrating again and wanted his fix of Dr. Pepper and Big league chew. The night of celebrating Lauren’s nomotion had barely even started and already he was knackered.

by Micron X February 24, 2010

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Dick drunk

A woman's otherwise inexplicable attraction to a total douche bag.

Guy 1: (recognizing an incoming call on his buddy's phone) "Bro, the hot chick is still calling you?"

Douche bag: "Yep. I was ALL up in that. Now she's acting all 'dick drunk' and shit..."

by TheNegativeHustler August 2, 2010

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$40 drunk

A term used to describe a person who is so drunk they would suck another mans dick for $40.

"Buddy I am so drunk I will suck your dick for $40!"
"Man you are $40 drunk"

by SRAgo! November 29, 2009

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