Source Code

Roseville Bar Douche

Term recently made famous by the Blobots describes the group of males that flood the bars in Roseville (near Sacramento, CA) that never get laid and act like a guid. They usually have cocaine that's pure and glasses Dior. Constantly getting DUI's on their way to 80 saving the non-fags from Folsom the safe intoxicated drive home.

I'm a big douche at the Rosville bars. (roseville bar douche)

by brody jenner July 15, 2008

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blue bar code

A guy who jacks off two guys at once.

That gay guy is in the middle doing a Blue Bar Code on two of his lovers till they both climax

by EricC4 May 13, 2015

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Crunchy Granola Bar

A noun used to reference a very attractive granola guy. They are most often found in states like Colorado, generally in the mountains, at co-ops, or canvassing for the Green Party. A Crunchy Granola Bar is a vegetarian, if not a vegan, and usually buys from local organic farmers.

Beth: "Have you met Kasey's new boyfriend Brandon?"

Heidi: "Oh that Crunchy Granola Bar? I heard he just moved here from Denver."

by deltacircle August 2, 2010

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Jesus Christ Bar

Aussie way of describing the bar above the windows of the passenger seats in a car/truck. In incidents of road rage, reckless driving, four wheel driving, burnouts, etc. the passenger(s) will grab onto it and usually yell "Jesus Christ!"

also known as "Oh Shit!" bar.

As I was doing a massive burnout my friend was gripping the Jesus Christ Bar tightly.

by JustinA <3 November 5, 2009

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Aero Bar Effect

An unpleasant incident where one farts or sharts, particularly when sweaty, and a warm bubbling sensation is felt up to the back of the neck VIA the spine.

Mostly experienced in hockey, soccer, or situations where a sweaty back n' crack is evdent.

The Aero Bar Effect caught me by surprise

Have you ever experienced the Aero Bar Effect? Lucky you...

Ditch that, you sassy boy, if I try to fart I might get hit by the Aero Bar Effect!

by sassmaster February 6, 2009

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space bar time

when your watching a movie on your laptop, with your boyfriend or girlfriend, on full screen, you press space bar to pause it to have sex.

Nick: Space bar time?
Nicolle: hell yea!

by fuckfacekilla June 23, 2008

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Twix Bar Bite

When your GF asks for a bite of whatever it is you are eating (Works best with Twix Bar) and says she is only going to take a small bit, but instead eats 3/4 of it leaving you with a dissatisfying nub of what you once possessed.

Sally: Lemme get a bit of your Twix.
Brian: Mmk
Sally:<Twix Bar Bite> Thanks babe.
Brian: O_o

by Ether13706 May 3, 2010

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