Is a phrase you say to a friend to show them camaraderie. It means you can’t always help someone with the task at hand but you are willing to sit with them through it and be there with them.
If a friend has to send a breakup text to a guy they went on one date with you can’t type it out for them but you can scroll through Instagram while they do it, listen to the numerous drafts, and encourage them to press send because “to be there is to fight”.
A phrase that you shout out when somebody pisses you off, and you want to intimidate them. Warning: May actually result in an actual fisticuffs.
Helen: Your son is inferior to mine.
Joe: Fight meh Helen!
Helen: (0_0) Oh my word, he fears nothing!
the act of continuing to comeback like its a game
a: youre fat
b: well im sorry didnt know i was a mirror
a: im sorry wheres the glass
b: glass? youre the only one big like a window here
a: well at least i know how to diet
b: wait were you reading the recommended articles at the bottom of a crappy website again? turdhead
a: only karens do that
b: you wanna speak to the manager?
a: i wanna speak to who told you to be yourself, shame on them
b: i teach myself im independent
it goes on until someone doesnt know what to say
in the end:
a: wow nice comeback fight bro wanna rematch tomorrow
Heavy ejaculation from a woman's vagina.
" we where fucking, she had those fire fighting squirt(s) and I slipped on the linoleum."
HER: hey girlll
This is beneath me and does not require my energy.
“Kenneth was talking a lot of trash, I didn’t want to entertain him so I simple told him, “I fight good” and walked away.
This is not a threat nor initiation of starting a fight.
a hitler boss fight is when youre fighting hitler. this is not a metaphor.
Knight: Holy fuck, this Hitler guy is pretty strong!
this is an example of a hitler bossfight
hitler boss fight is