Love is waking up and going to sleep everyday thinking about one person no matter how far or close they are. Love is always wanting to be with someone no matter how mad you get at them. Love is wanting to spend your whole life with one person. Love is wanting someone to be happy, even if it isn't with you. Love is finding that person you can spend hours with but still not be bored. Love is staying up all night just to make another person happy. Love is doing everything you can to make someone else happy. Love is putting someone else's needs before yours. Love is something everyone needs in life no matter how much they deny it. Love is caring about someone, no matter what there personality is or who they are on the inside. Love is standing up and saying "I love you", not caring about the consequences. Love is a huge part of life. Love is an infinity beyond infinities. Love is growing old together and laying with someone in their hospital bed as they die. Love is dying, to protect someone. Love is being with someone till the end of time. Love is knowing that even if he person you love dies, your story will never fade. No matter what, once you truly fall in love, you don't just fall out of it, because if you do, one of you never fell. And both of you have to fall, so you pick each other up. It doesn't count on looks, it depends on personality. Because looks change, your personality will be forever. Love is a commitment to another person. Love is a promise to always be there.
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The music and movie industry's way of making a profit by telling stories of undying or unrequited love. This cons and deceives their audience who want to feel the euphoria love is supposed to produce and the sadness and sorrow when the feeling passes. This is a path to celebrity for many actors and frauds. Love captivates the human psyche and is a symbol of humanity to think about and ponder love. Love's most important ingredient is physical and sexual attraction and without it, you were never in love and all you had was a friendship. Love's greatest dilemma is finding mutual attraction and beauty, then the two partners staying together and building intimacy over time. This is an ideal and it is why it is torture. Love is pain. Losing the love object produces pain.
Some humans cannot feel or experience love due to traumatic upbringings. Such people are said to be too narcissistic to love anyone but themselves. Furthermore, the more average you are, the easier it is to find people you like and relate to. The smarter and better-looking you are, the more difficult the pursuit of love becomes. If you are truly one of a kind, your love life is hopeless and you may as well resort to platonic relationships and gigolos.
I was in love with him, it was his blue eyes and his wit, I will never feel the same with anyone else every again.
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Love is eternal. It doesnβt have to be between just you and your significant other. It can be for family and many other things. Love means you will stay with them and care about them through the bad and good. No matter if you break up, or stop talking, they will always have a place in your heart.
I really love her! I spend all my time thinking about her and all I want to do is see her!
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Love, It's a unexplainable feeling, It's also the best feeling in the world.
Love is drinking a 2 litre bottle of lemonade just so you cant fall asleep, laying in bed thinking about that person.
Thinking of them when about to sleep and thinking about them when you wake.
Person 1, '' love you''
Person 2, '' love you too''
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Having a strong feeling of affection and interest with one another. Feeling deep passion and emotion when you are with them, trusting that they will always have feelings for you as you have grown so much as a couple. Having a communication that can never be silenced.
The love I feel for her will never go away.
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Love. It isn't just a feeling we have for someone or something. No one really knows what it means because it is different for everybody. But It is a feeling like no other, it can make you lose your mind. The things people would do for love, that saying is true it is crazy but when you love someone, and everyone has that someone and you are thinking of them right now, that you would walk to the ends of the world just for them, you would jump off a bridge for them. Love is what makes your heart beat ten times faster when you see that person. Love is crazy,stupid, funny, and most importantly Love is Love and no matter how hard you try you can't explain it.
Clarissa "I love you, even if i can't explain what it means...i do."
Clay " "I love you too, you can not define love, its not supposed to be explained. It is supposed to be felt."
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