Source Code

lol fml

Definition : Laugh Out Loud Fuck My Life.

person 1: I have less homework, yay!
person 2: I have more homework lol fml.

by GamerTamer September 27, 2020

lol gruppe

A group that makes funny memes and laughs at every meme that is sent. Besides, you can always ask if anyone wants to play videogames or drink a little.

The most common reaction within the lol group is haha or hahaha

Oh my what a nice and funny meme i will send it directly to the lol gruppe

Maybe i should ask the lol gruppe if they want to play some Gta or overwatch

by Loladminisrator November 21, 2021

snot lol

when you laugh through your nose and snot comes out.

People usually try to cover it up but everyones can see and hear a snot lol.....

*dude...did you just snot lol at my joke?*

by Jazbob January 15, 2011

Sophia lol

a cool splatuber who makes family friendly content unlike me who cusses every 4 seconds I can't survive without saying the f bomb every 4 seconds
she's cool and chill
I think I should make urban dictionary entries for every Splatter


by TakoTheMemer November 14, 2023

lol moment

used in replacement of lol in a situation where there is more then one lol.

P1: man this comedy show is the best
P2: ikr such an lol moment

by Nxb August 29, 2021


lazy..person..lol is my idol

hey look its lazy..person..lol
Omg he is my idol

by Heather..the..queen..lmao January 28, 2021

lol hip

A very kind person and franks best mod

Oh look lol hip is taking all the kids

by Ur mum gay 123456 March 2, 2019