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We Are All Egg

An extremely deep philosophy believed to be created in the summer of 2018. The origins of how it was created has never been specified. The philosophers who created this phrase may have been on crack. The phrase We Are All Egg can be used in any context.

Do you ever just think about the deeper meaning of life?

Yes. We Are All Egg. Hail Gru

by supercoolfriend October 22, 2019

anti-all nighter

an all-nighter, but you have some kickass fun instead of study all night

Yo we had a kickass anti-all nighter

by Falco Lombardi July 5, 2007

That’s what they all say

The term is used for when someone says something that is a commonly used phrase.

Boy: “I’m sorry I can’t hangout I have to do my homework

Other boy: “That’s what they all say!”

by Nephele April 21, 2019

Thursday all american

A weak athlete who acts like a football superstar during Thursday's helmet and shorts or game jersey walkthrough even though they never get in the game.

Someone who claims to be better at something than they are.

Kevin practices harder in the helmet and shorts practice than any other day because the pussy doesn't like to hit. What a Thursday All American.

“The young slender defense back, on that cool Autumn Thursday afternoon, with perfect form, burst into the air with a flair of quickness not seen by the other junior varsity scout team defenders. The vibrant defender, with his foam filled blocking arm pad glistening in the cool air against his sparkling helmet and matching shorts, tips the lofted fade route pass intended for the speedy all county varsity flanker. The flanker yells to the young sophomore, “You @##$%^$#%#$% #$#%^#$ Thursday All-American!” “What the @#$% are you doing?”

He said he knew java, but couldn't even define a string - what a Thursday All American.

by JackFreedom May 12, 2010

The Sum of All Beers

All-permeating state of post-inebriation terror that can strike even the most battle-hardened of bevvy merchants. Sufferers will typically curl up in an angst-ridden ball with little comprehension of their whereabouts in time or space with only a poorly defined feeling of impending catastrophe for company.

Symptoms are magnified tenfold if the sufferer has a professional commitment to attend to the following day.

Morgan Freeman: "Ben, can you help me stop a catastrophic nuclear war being triggered by a rogue terror cell?"

Ben Affleck: "Sorry Morgan, I hit the lager pretty hard last night and have been struck down by the sum of all beers. You're on your own for this one."

by Mertinsacker January 9, 2014

all grubbed out

No food left, as at a buffet that has run out of food.

I got to the banquet a few minutes late and they were already "all grubbed out."

by griffenword October 7, 2009

All souls day

All Souls' Day, also known as the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed and the Day of the Dead, is a day of prayer and remembrance for the souls of those who have died, which is observed by Catholics and other Christian denominations annually on November 2.

Lets celebrate all souls day!

by Darkness666 November 3, 2020