The wave of new artists that is grinding at the moment. Just like UNDERGRUNN from Norway.
I'm going to lead the rap game innit.
Rap music created by posers pretending to be gangster. Usually white and growing up in good homes in the suburbs with no real problems.
Ex.1 Did you hear the new Sub-Urban rap song by G easy.
Ex.2 Drake likes to pretend to be real, but he really is only a Sub-Urban rapper from Canada.
Boneless aggro rap = Tourette
Guy2: "Oh he is just boneless aggro rapping again"
when you fuck a nigger so hard cum comes out their uterus
did you see the rapping niggs go down yesterday leroy
sub genre of “diss track”
made famous in the early 2000 by the street rap community in Vienna
Yo, a sick diss rap you have there!
The sub-genre of hip-hop compromised of artists with fanbases comprised of nerdy white boys.
My favorite hunter rap artist is Death Grips.
The name of the leader of Korean boy band BTS (turn to RM from Nov 2017). His birth name is Kim Nam-joon. Worth to mention that he would be the only English speaker of the group at the moment (2018) when the group has become well known globally while other members are trying to improve their language.
Rap monster has an IQ of 148, having scored in the top 1.3% of the nation in the university entrance examinations for language, math, foreign language and social studies.