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Tip Flirt

The occassion when every person regardless of relationship status may flirt with the cute barman/lady. If you are paying a tip for a drink, you are allowed to flirt, even outrageously.

As a noun:
"Hey Steve, your girlfriend was watching you flirt with the barlady."

"No its cool, it was a tip flirt. Its allowed."

Or as a verb
"Jeez I just had to tip flirt with a complete wanker. Not sure the tip was worth it."

by Madam Merlot October 1, 2009

Tow Tips

When your idiot chemistry teacher wants to say "Two Types"; however, as I've stated earlier, said teacher is an idiot. PS: la madre de la maestra es una puta

Tow tips of waves are...

by تحفيظ October 11, 2020

Tip leakage

When your jacking off into a rag or piece of absorbent material but the pressure your balls create shoots the sperm through the gap between the rag and your dick, covering your pubes and stomach in sperm.

Oh man, I had to sneak by my mom getting gangbanged in the living room to get a rag from the garage. I was jacking it to their grunts but when I blew there was so much tip leakage I got covered in my mansauce.

by Blue924.9 December 30, 2017

Tip of the spear

A polite way to call someone a bellend.

"You're a right tip of the spear, you are."

by BootsMouse March 1, 2024

tip of the spear

pretty sick and dope theme and mission from halo reach

it is nice theme try it tip of the spear

by sussylolxdfunnyhaha January 9, 2023

Colored tip

Colored tip is a popular metro Detroit slang term referring to the colored tip of a Platinum Vape, vape cartridge.

“You know me, I only smoke colored tips nothing else.”

by FreeRio69 October 16, 2021

Crust the Tip

When you, as a man, masturbate.

I’m gonna go crust the tip !

by HMHBOSS February 12, 2022