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Neo White Trash

People who come from middle class backgrounds and educations who become stuck in a sort of adolescent mire. Their lives revolve around the internet, video games, Japanese anime or some other internet-based fetish subculture ( furries, vore, wikka, etc. ) to such an extent that they become dysfunctional and drop out of college, are stuck in menial part-time jobs and set up life events themed to the things they obsess over. For example, a wedding themed after the video game β€œThe Legend of Zelda”.

"Neo White Trash Wedding?
8-bit organ tunes

triforce cake

ringbearer dresses like tingle

honeymoon at anime convention

by Crabpole July 25, 2008

178πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

New Jersey Trash

Lives off of exit 63 of the Garden State Parkway. Lies, steals, and lives in a fantasy all his own JB. He's a walking sexually transmitted disease whore who will blow anyone for attention. He needs to be in jail for being a thief (fired from Adidias in Atlantic City for stealing a co-workers wristlet and Bulgarian passport. Kicked out of a staten island home for stealing jewelry and selling it to cash 4 gold and being caught red handed with receipts on his passenger seat.), He's a pathological liar: On the next Real World cast, cast as a pornstar, a dancer for various clubs in NYC and NJ, works as a promoter for Harrah's Casino, Shot his own calender, Starring on a new Bravo reality series and the list goes on. If spotted approached with a closed fist and hit hard in the face (any area eye, nose, mouth will do).

I just went to Deko Lounge and saw NEW JERSEY TRASH taken out to the curb.

by Dirty Pink Undies March 31, 2011

18πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Gary the No-Trash Cougar

Trash hating and often violent Cougar mascot.
Featured on Family Guy

Like Gary the No-Trash Cougar says: "Give a larbage, throw out your garbage!"

by Aly [Your mom] May 10, 2008

83πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

White trash pet

An predominately untamed, historically outdoors creature which is kept indoors as a pet.

Dave has a litter of racoons in his house. He's keeping them as white trash pets. Hopefully, the DNR doesn't catch wind.

by Chowderhead34 July 23, 2011

52πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

white trash sticks

Used to decribe cigarettes

If you keep smoking those white trash sticks you're gonna get lung cancer.

by loadeddice November 24, 2013

Trash can surprise

The act of going to someone's house then proceding to take the garbage bag out of the can then taking a massive dump in the can. After this you can top it off with some throw up and urine to make a thick mess. Lastley you close the lid leaving to mix to soak for preferabley 2-3 hours in a hot climate. Hopefully this mix will cause who ever opens the can to also throw up in it incressing the stench. Similar to a mexican hot pocket

Dude i gave Ryan a trash can surprise after he went to sleep so it will be able to sit for a while.


by swgmaster97 January 31, 2012

Trump trashing

The relentless attacks by media outlets, pundits, journalists, celebrities and politicians to defame and destroy his presidential candidacy. He makes outrageous statements that are racist, sexist, ageist, hypocritical and discriminatory in numerous ways. So what, numerous politicians Republican, Democrat and Libertarian do the same thing without criticism. He is hated by the rich because he wants to end bad trade deals and tax loop holes for hedge fund billionaires. Donald Trump, The Donald, Trump, Trumpism, Trumper, Trumpet, make America great again, The Apprentice

I am so sick of watching the daily Trump trashing on network tv. They attack him for the same things all politicians do every day.

by joecoolthefool May 16, 2016

20πŸ‘ 190πŸ‘Ž