Ray William Johnson is an entertainer who sprung into fame in 2009 when he started reviewing viral videos on Youtube. His show is entitled =3 (Equals Three). In each episode he reviews three videos adding his witty commentary to each one. He is known for his sarcastic remarks and phrases such as: "Fake and Gay" and "Squaids (or Squirrel Aids)". He's used "troll" and portrays one in some of his videos. Ray also is known for his "Doin you mom" and "buttsecks" jokes. All these things have spread and become more common among the internet using community. In each video users may send a video response and it could be picked as Ray's Comment Question of the Day. Anyone is welcome to comment with an answer and 5 answers will be chosen by Ray and featured in his next video. He currently uploads his Equals Three videos usually every Monday and Thursday.
Ray also has an alternate "vlogging" channel, called BreakingNYC. In that channel, Ray record parts of his daily life.
Ray was in a group: FattySpins, in which he and the other members put together catchy songs with a comedic edge. Most popular: Doin' Your Mom.
Ray lives in New York, and attends college.
Ray William Johnson is a very talented, very busy (seemingly), very funny dude who is on his way to bigger and better things. I expect to see him on TV soon.
Mike: "What happened to Youtube?"
Phil: "Ray William Johnson AKA pure awesomeness."
Mike: "Huh?"
Phil: "Well, you have to admit he DOES have more talent than most of these so-called "stars" today."
Mike: "True. But he's not stupid, he's actually entertaining, his show is stimulating, and I don't feel completely retarded after watching his videos. That's not like the other Youtubers!"
Phil: "Umm....Exactly."
Mike: "Two camels in a tiny car!"
1076👍 1073👎
Definition of no daddy type daddy issues, a historical bathroom, bring ur own needle and the edgy kid has the heroin, replace ur oxygen with nicotine addictions, don’t fight the man child learned the hard way, rumor he can still taste the piss, starring Michelin’s daughter where brain is a service not an organ, check snap for a set of leaked nudes annually, short dick pant heavy creamer with a net worth on the wrist, and a hereditary McDonald’s job, a potato head who did the Williams challenge without sucking dick directly, his girl did all the work for him, only hoodies in the hallways are over ur nose, the all in one aquarium doesn’t get cleaned out, the razor kills itself when she uses it, a clonk that breast fed his parents and now shits sagging, insecurity reeks in all, yet strongest Oder is from the Buddha, attached springs to the toilet for the shock absorption, if smell bomb was a person, ironically named anxious atheist who hasn’t properly killed himself yet, unlike how some say, it’s ok to run from an unfair, staff of bumble bee noodle racially divers leprechaun, hippo with a constant butt plug up her ass, Humpty Dumpty on steroids, decomposing Spanish teacher, constant ass eating thus the constant shit talking, to all the depresses kids all urself already no one fucking cares, majority population of 100% bitch made males, the author ain’t tryna create or start problems, sorry if u weren’t mentioned not enough space, I hope you got a laugh out of it is all, mwah. 🙂
Person 1: What is Williams high school,
Person 2: it’s what society would look like if no one got laid and being gay was ok
4👍 2👎
The man responsible for 90% of the worlds LSD. Got busted in the year 2000. Could you believe that? 90%! Thats why LSD is so rare to find these days. That sucks!
"The DEA maintains that Pickard and partner Clyde Apperson were responsible for manufacturing a majority of the LSD sold in the United States at the time of his arrest, citing a single post-arrest statistic indicating a 95 percent reduction in the drug's availability (where other sources have shown an historically falling interest in LSD). The DEA also maintains that besides the missile launch facility in Kansas, Pickard and Apperson had previously manufactured LSD in Mountain View, California, in Oregon and in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The DEA claims a Santa Fe lab they operated also consistently produced about 1 kilogram of LSD every five weeks. DEA estimates are that 1 kilogram of LSD is equal to 10 million doses with "street value" of $4 million, at 100 micrograms-per-$4-dose. Significantly, the DEA reported only six ounces (less than 170 grams) of ergotamine tartrate (the essential and difficult to obtain LSD precursor) were found in vehicles associated with the silo."
QUESTION-Hey, howcome LSD is so rare to find man?
ANSWER-Because that stupid chickenhawk William Leonard Pickard GOT BUSTED WITH 90% OF IT!
22👍 16👎
One of the most over-rated rookies to game of Rugby League. His "Iron Shoulder Charge" is his pathetic excuse of a tackle as he has not got the balls to lay a decent, solid tackle. He has only done this 4 or 5 times in his short carrear, and is his only real "skill". He is merely a "NLR Prodigy", as was Lee Hookey and Ben Ikin, and look were they are now; a "journey man" not having a solid carrear, and forced into early retirement respetivly.
there are plenty of other young guns coming through the ranks who are as equaly as, or even more so, talented as "SWB" but get no credit, it is a hypocracy against the NRL, and with the approaches from Rugby Union will inevitibly see them all being poached by the Super 14 competition.
Sonny Bill Williams or SBW is an over hyped rookie whom gets fucked over when ever he plays South Sydney for some reason (ie. season 2004: fractured ankle, and 2005: semi-dislocated shoulder - trying to do his lame shoulder charge, and his ankle again later in the season.
71👍 63👎
Somwhat talented, somewhat monotonous and dull composer. Famous for making music for movies that uses alot of horns and all sounds the same.
Man I can't get this tune out of my head...I think it's from a movie that John Williams composed for, but all his songs sound the same... is it Jurassic Park? Jurassic Park 2? Jurassic Park 3? Jaws, Minority Report? Star Wars 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6? Schindlers List? Saving Private Ryan? E.T? Catch Me If You Can? who knows!?!?!
13👍 170👎
A building where people are groped in the halls, teachers don't care if people make out in the halls (or for that matter have sex), and it sucks. It is also half of the training ground for Plano East Senior High School
Losers attend Williams High School and I think the school should burn down!
75👍 70👎