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butt buffer-zone

Refers to the distance between Uranus and the outer perimeter of your butt-cheeks, in terms of how far an accidentally-released blob of poop has to "travel" before it reaches --- and subsequently soils --- your clothing and/or whatever surface that you happen to be presently sitting/lying upon.

Many people think that having a huge flabby behind in undesirable, but it can actually be an advantage if you occasionally suffer from liquid farts, since it provides you with a greater butt buffer-zone; this is especially fortuitous if you happen to be sitting or reclining at the time of said unexpected discharge, since it is exhaustingly more laborious to properly sanitize a seat-cushion or mattress, whereas soiled clothing can usually just be soaked in detergent-solution and then tossed in the washer.

by QuacksO March 5, 2017

Loui hot zone

When lu absolutely rapes people on ho zone on brawl stars and wins the game %100 to %0 while Amber is getting touched by tick in the corner.

Man that Loui hot zone was awesome did you see gale bending over?

by December 18, 2024

Social zoned

Below friend zoned, band to social media.

Credit due to: Kaylynn and Marcus

"I like you as a broadcaster, nothing more."
"Bro, you just got social zoned."

by kayl_pierce October 27, 2018

hose zone

The mysterious place where your sock goes leaving a single instead of a pair.

After doing laundry today I noticed I had 5 socks come out without a mate. Where did those socks go? The "Hose Zone".

by Clean freak November 21, 2013

academic zone

When someone you're talking to doesn't want to be friends, just academic acquaintances. This is a downgrade from the friendzone.

Person 1: Hey, is Sally going to be joining us on our beach trip?
Person 2: No, she said she'd rather just do homework with me instead.
Person 2 is in the academic zone.

by mynameis123_ December 1, 2021

Yellow zoned

People who are immune to high levels of radiation.

Bro, I'm finally yellow zoned. I can take my date to Chernobyl.

by yellowzoned April 22, 2020

The zone

One who is close to death can harness the power of "The zone" to gain immense power and agility.

Look! He's at only one life, and he's harnessing the power of "The zone".

by Schlurglum the wise May 14, 2020