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i use arch btw

the word "arch" in this sentence refers to a linux distribution called arch linux.
arch users are known to be very toxic, will make fun of people using other operating systems such as Windows by saying something like "imagine using windows lmao"

most arch linux users will spam "i use arch btw" on every corner of the internet to make people know that they are "cool", arch linux users LOVE open-source stuff, they drink open-source liquid for food.

hey i use arch btw
btw i use arch
im using arch btw

by jewwwkiller October 29, 2023

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

I got reach

When you tryna touch the booty from far away

You got a nice butt and I wanna touch it even though you're far away but I got reach

by Touchbutter November 29, 2019

Should I share? My dad wants me to marry Kris Wu because he is a rich guy but I got no money hehe.

It is a catchphrase made by Syafinaz Binte Zainal and I think I am working harder for money. It is my secret or not so secret maybe.

Should I share? My dad wants me to marry Kris Wu because he is a rich guy but I got no money hehe.

by syafinaz confirms that? November 19, 2023

spank till i bank

Masturbation so fast until you have such a pleasurable orgasm that you feel like youve won the lottery

John: Dude i spank till i bank every day.

by urmom.com6999 March 5, 2022

I Fucked Ironwoods Wife Lel UwU

*Derived from: Democracy Montage

Qrows bromance fights with Ironwood

I fucked Ironwoods Wife lel uwu. Qrow and Ironwood Porno.

by RubyRose_ April 15, 2023

This Stupud Fucking Fly That I hate

I was thinking of Ideas for urban dictionary articals but then this stupif FREAKING FLY, lands on my screen, I put my finger on it to kill it, but not hard enough as to squash it and make a mess, but i am in examining it, but then it flies away and scares me!

"This Stupud Fucking Fly That I hate" - Me

by Tim7 October 28, 2024

I bard

another word for saying β€œI swear to god” or β€œI’m not lying”

Bard you ain’t say that
β€œI bard I didn’t”

by Kokichi Toes March 20, 2024