A "green out" may occur after a intake of cannabis, typically a green out begins with the person feeling like they are loosing a grip of reality following by possible vomiting amd eventual paralysis leading to a deep sleep. however if one goes through all stages but yet maintaines consciousness and does not fall asleep that does not count as a green out. People whom go through the process of a green out and do not fall asleep are true sick cunts as most people do not have the fighting will to overcome a green out once it is initiated.
yeh mate you was full fucked off those cones last night but you didn't fall asleep so you technically didn't green out haha sick cunttttt
When you smoke too much weed in a short period of time and it makes you whitey.
New smoker: What happens when you green out?
Me: It's happened to me once, when I first started smoking green. I had too much too quickly and ended up being sick. I was straight in the shower when I got home.
New smoker: No good. I hope that doesn't happen to me.
Me: Just pace yourself at first and you'll be fine. I haven't worried about it in years.
When you can't hang at a party. Originates from a Derek who had a mental breakdown after ingesting large amounts of Marijuana and Vyvanse. He had too much alcohol and couldn't finish his burger we gave him. So know when someone can't hang we say they are dirking out
Corn was dirking out last weekend bro, he couldn't stop punching walls.
Duck paul just punched me in the face
this happens when you make sure a person has no way to get home and especially back to his family and love ones and his credentials...the person is force in prison no way out, no defense, can't bribe their way out, and can't kill witnesses to escape trial. can't kill the victim, no way to prove he or her innocence.
she acted like the shit made sure he couldn't get home, and now she has no way out of her punishment.
Too much information to comprehend
Yo did you see that?
I don't know what I say that shit was way the hell out there!
When you drink too much and get sloppy drunk or start floppin' around, usually black out drunk from cheap liquor or 4 lokos
Husband -Damn babe you were floppin' out on 4 loko
Wife -fuck I flopped out last night