I hate Xiujuan i am your senior who loves going to school back. My age is 24 or 25 years old. That’s all.
I hate Xiujuan i am your senior who loves going to school back. My age is 24 or 25 years old. That’s all.
Sentence used in League of Legends by the Master Yi main cowsep. Its used when you use the hability: Alpha strike to Dodge another hability but It stills hit you.
I was in Alpha but that skillshot still landed in me.
A Master Yi Q Alpha Strike Bug
'I was in alpha wtf riot fix it ' Cowsep
Why are you talking about it again and on~?
I don't give a thing.
Oh you playing minecraft,i like ya cut g (Slap)
When a person is insulting your ass and you can't come up with any other insult other than "I hope you trip UP the stairs."
Joe: "Bro you're trash at this game"
Me: "stfu I hope you trip up the stairs"
I can't believe you looked up "I can't believe you looked that up." What the hell, man?