A prostitute who set's up her john (a customer) by slipping a roofie in his drink, so he can be robbed, without knowing and wake up in the morning without the knowledge. Of what happened to him.
Yo ' Are You For Real ' you better be careful I heard that Sasha Trick Rolls fellas before they even get a taste. Oh yeah yuor right she is a trick rollin bitch
Having Sex with three different partners in a weekend.
I can’t make to the after party I am 2/3’s of the way to my Hat Trick Weekend and I only have a few hours left to meet up with Lisa.
When a male sleeps with three addict sjblings within a year
Dude, did you hear I scored a picture rocks hat trick with April, Jessa, and Ashley
pretending to vomit in order to avoid a sticky situation.
"how did you get out of that date with mr. creeper?"
"i pulled a chuck trick in the bathroom"
this is where the father says he’s going to get some cigarettes or Stella and completely ditches the family
Evan: dad can you pick up some candy from the shop
Father: sweet kid
Evan leaves ...
father : stupid little naka thinks am getting him sweets fuk this am not comin back me like kid FUK U EVAN I’m gonna do the disappearing father trick
When someone pulls a lie out of nowhere within a few seconds.
Person A: I can't believe what Person C said to me.
Person B: What did he say?
Person A: I told him yesterday about the report, right?
Well, when I told him about them this morning, he said nothing for a few seconds, then said, "I had to go to an important family meeting!", even though he never said anything about it yesterday.
Person B: He's lying.
He's doing a top hat trick.