You say this when you are on Cocaine.
Well, Mamma Mia My #### has Fallen to the Russian Black League!
It means.Ha,s gurl how have you been?!Its like yassss but ha,s :D
Ha,s girl wanna go to the movies later?!
MandarK’s laughter. See: Dexter’s Laboratory
Ha haw haw haw haw! MandarK!
Ha haw haw haw haw
Marth has arrived means you are on your period
*woman walks into a room of women* Martha has ARRIVED!!
1. Something that was stated by news channels to say that Biden is probably going to be the president elect.
2. A phrase that super Trump supporters can not handle.
Wolf Blitzer: "All right folks, Biden now having Pennsylvania, we have an important announcement to make. Anderson are you ready? "
Anderson Cooper: "Of course I am ready, I have been tapping this smart TV screen for the past week. Let's get done with this already. "
Wolf Blitzer: " "Alright then. CNN projects, Joe Biden has Won the election, and is projected to be the president elect. "
when someone asks you something stupid, you just reply: Mos ha gjar
You dont care
Bledi: I bought a pc
You: Mos ha gjar.