When tobacco is smoked out of a bong with or without the inclusion of weed.
Dam man, Todd can hardly stand after that fat chop!!
chop is a word used to call the mf Marco Soprano in Darry D'Aronco
Andrea F: "Ou Chop tas un winston blue?"
Chop: "sivve vecchio"
Much like the art of making love, the common household 'chop' intertwines two beautiful things; weed and tobacco. They are most commonly smoked out of a bong with a usual ratio of 3:2 in favor of tobacco. This causes a rush that surpasses the average high you would get from a snap and although it can cause you to feel winded, it is very pleasant once you get used to it.
It is not advisable to take a proper chop without being able to snap a bowl first.
- Chops?
- Yeah, you got the pouch?
A bong rip that is marijuana on the bottom and tobacco on top from an american spirit cigarette. The "chop" must be cleared in one hit, and then you'll feel the head rush that us choppers live for.
"Ron pack me a chop so I can get that wonderful head rush"
"Does anyone have some spirits so I can pack a chop?"
Lets just say you don't mess with this beast. Loyal to his companions till the end. Doesn't take shit from anyone or anything, no matter the size.
That guys a Chop
the area on a cats face where the whiskers come out near the nose
i massage my cats chops to make her go to sleep because she loves it