Source Code

Cold Soup

When you're with a girl & your friend asks you "if you guys are dating yet", and he unintentionally forces you to ask her out, right there on the spot.

Friend-"Aw, ya'll cute, are ya'll dating yet?"
*Looking at that man like, WHYYYYY!?*

You- "Do you wanna go out with me?"
*After she leaves*

BRO, you hit me with cold soup.

by pyrxmydz January 11, 2015

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Cold Winslow

Refers to the use of a frozen poop as a dildo. Considered to be the antonym of a Hot Carl.

"Dude I totally took a dump, threw it in the freezer, and then used it to go to town on my girlfriend. She can't get enough of the Cold Winslow."

by Chuddly Knudson September 27, 2006

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Cold Springs, Alabama

The most redneck place you will ever see or hear about if you even step foot in that town you will catch inbreaded hickness, also in the middle of no where.

Cold Springs, Alabama? Isn't that where you marry your cousins mom?

by Huh mam July 13, 2017

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Russian Cold Medicine

Vodka or drink with vodka in it.

I had a cold so i took some Russian Cold Medicine and i passed out.

by Zachmac22 November 14, 2009

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Ice Cold Fuck

A way to dress up the exclamation "Fuck".

Ice cold fuck! I can't find my god damn keys.

by Giggity God Dammit November 3, 2008

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4 Year cold

This is a cold that only one person possesses.This individual has been through the best of times and the worst. God speed.....Ryan O'hara

"Poor, poor o'hara, he can fill a whole bag with used tissues within a 2 hour period..."

by DC_Master October 19, 2003

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Cold Spring Harbor

The location where Watson and Crick discovered the structure of DNA, where they stole all the ideas from Rosalind Franklin because they're liars. But now, Cold Spring Harbor mostly consists of rich preps who are good at LAXXXXX and smoke pot. mad rager man. ..... do work. This town is also known as Coke Spring Harbor and is hated by everyone in south Huntington.

Wow, that Cold Spring Harbor is whack.

by RISxLOVESxMUSIC February 15, 2009

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