A feeling of not sadness but utter emptiness. Of wondering why you can’t feel anything or why you almost don’t want to feel anything anymore and of wanting to keep others out while wanting them to come in
I can’t feel anything because of depression
something 12 year olds say they have when they listen to Billie Eilish
yeah i have depression, i listen to twenty one pilots
An illness that effects many teenagers but is deemed fake by most parents and don't see how much mental health matters since "back in the day" they always sucked it up
kid: idk lately i've been feeling really sad and have been experiencing depression lately mom can I go to therapy
mom: what? no your fine stop faking everything i don't wanna waste money on pointless stuff
The feeling of sadness, prolonged over a period of time. Feelings of Hopelessness, Sadness, Numbness for more than a 7 day period.
Me: I have Crippling deppresion
Also me: Who are you talking to, you have no friends.
Also me: ok jfc..
Depression is a serious mental illness. Usually people are depressed because something terrible happened in their life or maybe just because they miss someone/something. But not all people with depression have a reason to be depressed. Sometimes you’re just depressed because you need to be. Some people are constantly sad some are constantly numb. Some people talk about it and some people don’t. Some people show emotions and some people just hide it behind a fake smile all day. It’s like hating yourself and wanting to die but also being scared of death. It’s waking up in the morning, feeling like everyday’s the same. It’s when you know you have people around that love you but feeling like nobody cares. It’s when you cry yourself to sleep every night and cover your mouth so you don’t make noise. People with depression usually either can’t sleep or they sleep too much. Some people lose their appetite and don’t eat at all and some people try to eat the pain away by overeating.
When somebody tells you they have depression don’t act like it’s nothing. Because it is something and it’s very serious.
People with depression always lack confidence. They wear either oversized clothes or always wear sweatshirts because of self harm. They hate when other people make jokes about death, because for them it’s like talking about their dream. It’s wanting to die but not wanting other people to hurt the way you did so instead drowning yourself in your head with those horrible thoughts.
Person 1: “Are you okay?”
Person 2: “What? Oh yeah, I’m fine,just a bit tired.”
Person 1: “Oh come on I know you’re not fine. Just talk to me,please.”
Person 2: “Okay then. I have depression and it’s getting worse everyday and I don’t know what to do because I’m scared to tell anyone.”
Person 1: “ Oh my god I’m so sorry, I had no idea. Thanks for opening up to me and don’t worry, we’ll find help together.”
Person 2: “ Thanks for being here for me.”
I got the crippling depression. I sit in my room most days feeling like nothing with no motivation to do anything. Things I used to love don’t make me happy anymore. I feel useless and stupid and I don’t deserve to live. I see people out the window and cry sometimes because they look like they’re having fun and I’m not. All I want to do is sleep and cry.
Aka big sad
I have crippling depression-idubbbz