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Expanding family tree

The act of generations having offspring repeatedly

"You know honey you telling our daughter that all she needs her daddy or dad is Kind of bad. Because She would have to keep expanding family tree at some point. If it's in her 20s or what cus she like 19 now you know?"

by 459395 March 19, 2023

Family Friendly

1. Making something in a «family friendly way» means saying something that everybody agrees to or something that makes everybody happy. Or you say something «family friendly» when you give your opinion about a situation nobody can tell exactly if they have to be negative or positive about and you choose the positve side.

X: OMG, man! They called me negative in class for saying T doesn't really love P.
Y: Well, man, that wasn't really family friendly.

by drjeanwinston February 17, 2019

Zorro-The Family Salon

Also known as the family-friendly salon!

Zorro Offers and their clients together set a different benchmark for salons across India.

Did you know the recent keratin service by Zorro-The Family Salon is just a different ball game altogether

by Jewel Builders November 25, 2021

Haueter Family

A family that is the sweetest and makes people's day by making them laugh❤️

The haueter family are the best

by Sunlightocean January 18, 2021

iwonder family

The best family in all existance!! no one can ever serpass them

Bro the iwonder family is soooo cool i wish i could be like them but im part of the iguess family :(

by Rosseronie April 18, 2022

darawiish family

A darawiish family is a relative or kin who is dhulbahante

she darawiish family

by readyforthemoon55 September 6, 2020

Jewish family

What Judaism is more like.

Hym "See? Yeah. Incest cult co-opted by the gentiles with the additional promise of eternal paradise to get the 'have-nots' to accept having their lives harvested by the 'haves'. Jewish family? That's an incest cult. Traditionally the jewish would just enlsave you so they wouldn't need the promise."

by Hym Iam July 9, 2024