When you have sex on a bed covered in credit cards.
Credit karma said my score is "ready for carding."
trying to buy shit with someones debit/credit card. Usually crypto/giftcards (to exchange for crypto). It is a 'viable' way of making money however the scene is riddled with scammers, so best to give it a pass.
Carding is dumb and stupid and you will probably end up wasting all your money on it
credit card fraud - stealing money with stolen credit card data
if you are new to carding/fraud or need someone to learn stuffs from or partner up with you can hit me up on instagram @rain3r44 i’m more than willing to share my knowledge and cashout methods for free, my resources are limitless no bluffing, CPN-EIN, Pink slip for Cars and insurance, Bank checks, WU, Venmo, phones from Verizon, amazon, ebay, can refer you to CUs, just name it man, 3 years in the game is not a joke, let's make bread.
Similar to face card (essentially just your face, but from a beauty/vanity perspective), a vleis card is your penis, or a dick pic.
"Vleis" (rhymes with "face") is the South African Afrikaans word for "meat"
Girl, Peter I asked peter to show me his vleis card and, OMG, he's really packing!
The gambler equinox weapon of Balanced Craftwars Overhaul. As I am typing this it is not currently released
I love the gambler class, Playing Cards: Royal Flush is so awesome.
It is a card where a white person gives it to a black person for them to be treated like a white person.
sorry about that man