final and last straw, an outbreak of anger telling someone u had enough of the hustle
im sick of your shiet, pass the chicken mother focker
A worthless,lazy, untrustworthy, person
John doe, will not get a job and he bums stuff all the time,he is a sorry ass mother fucker.
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A sister that treats a brother like their own child.
The sister trying to manhandle him pretty much shows she's a mother from another brother
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A partiticularly upity group of yuppie cunts who wish to inform you you have poor taste in music.
"THAT music is baaaadd for your braaain" - mothers against hard rock
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Very obscure slang/substitute for swearing in frustration or anger.
HBO television series
Mr. Show with Bob and David (1998 season 4, episode 5: It's Perfectly Understandable)
Sketch: Pallies (A Goodfellas parody, edited for television)
David Cross turns to Jay Johnston and yells (with terrible over-dubbed editing):
"Well you's can both grab one of my *books*,
you mother*father* *Chinese dentist*"
before shooting Jay in the head.
According to the Season 4 DVD commentary, years after the show ended, cast member Paul F. Thompkins had overheard someone talking on a cel phone in a bar utter the phrase "Mother Father Chinese Dentist!"
When asked if she was a fan of the show, her reply was "What?"
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national anthem of cockneyland
aind, knees ap muvva brahn, etc
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Ultimate insult of all insults about sum nibbas family
Geoff: ur mum gai
Ryan: No u, ur dad lesbian
Geoff: Ur granny tranny
Ryan: no u
Geoff: Ur sisters a mister:
Geoff: is sent to thot hell to burn and never return
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