Rule 67 of the Internet: If a difficult technical topic exists, an Indian youtuber has posted a video about it.
H: I saw this Indian guy posted a video about C++ and explained it perfectly!
J: Another case of Rule 67.
These rules shall be followed by none other than the boys and only the boys. These rules provide to let the boys make decisions within the council and by joining the council you must look at the broste system and see if you qualify to be part of the council.
Rule 1. The council shall be only with the boys, girls have no say in the decisions that happen within the council. This includes girlfriends.
Rule 2. The boys shall not take orders or suggestions from the girls as this ties into rule 1.
Rule 3. The boys must stick with the boys. A boy in need a broski indeed. As well as bros before hoes.
Rule 4. Any broken rules shall be fined into expulsion from the council or lowered their standards from bro to homie or a broski to a bro.
Rule 5: if a bro is caught breaking a rule by a girl they shall be given the right to tell the council and let the council decide the punishment they shall receive.
The council may add more rules if they please after all, they are the council.
Bro: Hey guys my girlfriend wants me to not hang out with the boys.
Broski: nah bro remember the council rules.
someone who is a nazi about rules
stop being a rule nazi!! !! No one cares if you're not aloud to stop the puck in air hockey.
Proposal by former Fed Chair Paul Volcker to prevent U.S. banks from speculative proprietary trading that is not in the best interests of their clients.
The Volcker rule may prevent the next 'great recession' or a more spectacular financial crash . . .
voluptuous nun with big fuckin tiddies
Dude1: damn bro I think that nun got me acting up!
Dude2: Rule no. 10 fuck yea ambatukam
If you'd calculate for example 3 x 3 it would be 8 instead of 9 because of the fact that you subtract one from the original answer.
Smegma är efterbliven aka Subtraction Rule
1. Dont wanna get hit? Dont jump in the pit
2. Respect everyone like a close family/friend in and out of the pit
3. If someone falls, pick them up
4. If someone is injured/knocked out, get one or two people to help drag him/her out and wait for medics/security. Once they are there, continue.
5. Dont throw kicks or punches
6. Dont be a douche bag
7. Stay hydrated
(I say this because I have seen two ladies do just that)
9. If there are women in the pit, do NOT touch them in any sexual way
10. Have fun
These are some Mosh Rules.
Mosh Rules: There they are