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Try Hard

When someone acts like a hipster and or partakes in chache like behavior in which you think people are laughing with you but they are actually amused by how obsessed you are with attempting to be cool

Having sex with close friends ex's is a try hard move.
Always trying to hang out with older people is also trying hard
Playing your guitar on your porch is trying real fucking hard
Prime example: Delta member A-rod

by RiggidyRigs March 31, 2014

2๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Try Harding

Try hard is a word used to call people who are trying so hard to get as many girls as he can.

"Wow! Peter stop try Harding at girls".

by rewlreqq February 25, 2017

7๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

Going Hard

Something Jules does not do

Damn, Jules went to another club and blazed his eyes, got 12 numbers, and only called 3 of them. He is not going hard!

by Gin May 26, 2004

14๐Ÿ‘ 80๐Ÿ‘Ž

hard r

film executive shitheads who refer to the rating of a restricted movie they're trying to promote as a 'hard R' - film people who say this are usually fucking perverts who like sucking off 10 year old dick

"Oh baby, I can't wait to give this bad-boy film a 'hard R' - people are gonna love this shit - Hey! Don't touch my blow!"

by Gerald Melsinate March 22, 2007

53๐Ÿ‘ 413๐Ÿ‘Ž

hard house

Subtle way of saying crap

Hey Tom, it's a bit hard house isn't it?

by Antz April 18, 2005

19๐Ÿ‘ 128๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hard Gard

Wiccan version of religious fundamentalists, and probably worst type of Wiccans you can encounter. They usually think only via initiation you can become a Wiccan, because Mother-of-all and Father-of-all are so weak that they will obey them all the time and will only talk to initiated ones.

They will insist on Wicca ''staying British'' even though originally it contained material from Hermetic Order of Golden Dawn which contained many things from eastern religions, Egyptians, Hebrews and it's largely based on Gospel of Aradia, which is Italian. They will also act like Gardnerian/Alexandrian Wicca is the only legit type of occultism (even though they have very little to zero occult knowledge) and try to bash every other believer that has been not ''initiated''.

''I am a third degree Hard Gard you losers! I am so witchy but cannot even lift a curse!''
''Maybe degrees are more aligned with arrogance rather than knowledge?''

by owlowlowl December 22, 2015

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hard Bed

A word used to describe a very pleasurable bedframe, for sticking up your ass.

Usually has nice ridges and is smooth.

Hey bro, I just got off of my Hard Bed!

Ooh, that's hot! How was it?

Good man, but It smells like shit now.

by Flakersonnium Jakkersonium October 19, 2022

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