A word commonly used by children and young teens, with no real definition. Some accepted definitions are: a) ‘To launch at a high velocity’ and b) ‘An exclamation of surprise’.
Person A: Hi!
To throw something, or just to say for emphasis.
My teacher literally yeeted the soul out of him.
My guy just yeeted that bug.
Yeet is when you do something or have done something without knowing what you are doing.
Alternative: Throwing something very far
Alternatively: A word to use without any context and is able to be used in any conversation or circumstance
I yeeted that bad report card across the country
I yeeted myself when I talked to that person
stewie yeeted the paper ball into the trash can or my cajiga shein has been straight up yeeted
Yeet means your throwing something Whalen you throw that something you gotta say YEET
Yeet Yeet Yeet
A Word To Describe How Your Feeling Or When You Throw Anything Hard
A way to tell a certain being that you are about to throw them if they do not shut the hell up.
“Patricia sing the wrong note again hoe and see if i don’t yeet you off this stage”