Taking an unnecessary risk to take an animal, only do hard time and end up a topic on mediocre morning radio.
Had a few beers last night, and we ended up stealing the shark.
Originally an United States Naval phrase used by the enlisted personnel to alert other subordinate sailors that an officer is on deck. Could also be used to make others aware of the presence of an authority figure i.e cops, a principle, or even your mom.
Younger Brother: *Forgets to do the dishes*
Older Brother: *Hears mom’s car pull in the driveway* “Bro clean this mess up!!! SHARKS IN THE WATER!!!
When a older worker is assumed to target younger coworkers romantically.
Oh the manager? He’s a total ghost shark, steer clear of him.
A shit-shark is a term for a white chick that only fucks nigs. Often they think it’s somehow moral, or makes them more worldly, but it just makes no self-respecting white man want to touch her in the future.
Debbie may look alright, but I heard she was a total shit-shark in the last town she lives in.
A shark repellent spray is a product used to drive sharks away from an area with the goal of reducing the possibility of shark attacks occurring. SharkDefense & SharkTec (sharktecdefense.com)- are responsible for the only proven shark repellent spray products for consumers.
Swimmers use a shark repellent spray to drive off sharks in the surrounding area
A brutally-strong alcoholic drink on the scale of everclear.
Ingredients: Blueberries, Everclear, Kraken, Sprite, Agave Nectar / Simple Syrup
Ferment blueberries in everclear container for three days. Remove blueberries. Add 3/4 everclear to 1/4 kraken with a few drops Agave Nectar. Water down with Sprite.
"Dude, what happened to you last night?"
"Bro, I started out with three shots of shark bile. I couldn't remember my own name."
"Damn, that stuff's strong."
carl the shark is the smallest shark in the world he lives under the smallest pebble in the ocean so good luck finding him, but if you do you will never want to touch him. his mouth can open to the size of the largest living thing.
carl the shark will absolutely destroy you