an agreement with which one participant does not care about the outcome, or is relenting to avoid an argument.
The result is not necessarily unfavorable, just not true to one's desires.
1. Going along for the ride.
2. Men going along with their wives to shop for maternity wear.
3. "yes dear, let's go to sushi again tonight."
4. see that guy pushing the cart at Target? His disinterest shows he made a zombie compromise.
A strange drug that is found at the music festival Bonnaroo and probably others. That is blindingly expensive. A man saw a transaction that involved it in 2011 and has been searching for what it is ever since to quell the obsession that has taken over his life.
Yo man have you heard about Zombie Head/?
No man sorry. Damnit I heard a transaction selling/buying it and have been searching for what it is for the past 6 years with no luck... Maybe the insanity it has caused in my life IS Zombie Head?!
From the Mario Bros 3. cartoons. A human who got possessed and muted by the toxic koopa trash that made them look like a mixture of themselves and King Koopa.
After Melissa touched the toxic koopa trash, she turned into a koopa zombie.
An object when worn makes one do stupid things.
Real Estate Agent: Would you like to but some waterfront property in Arizona?
Potential Property Buyer: Hell no! Does it look like I have a zombie cap on!?
Teacher: Can anyone tell me what two plus two equals?
Student: That would, uuh, be five?
Teacher: Wrong! Take off your zombie cap and pay attention!
1👍 2👎
he is a cool man and he gives me money so that i can do more!!!!
Hey, has cest le zombie given us the kidneys yet?
Yeah! He got around to it yesterday!
A clock that, after having been bitten by a zombie, uses blood-coagulation rates to calculate approximately how long until you will become a zombie. When the clock finally counts down to 0:00:00, you are craving brains.
Better pull that trigger before her zombie clock hits zero....