Source Code

rubber band kitty

When your cat lays down before your feet as if saying "pet me please" and stretches it's whole body out like a rubber band

Every time I come home my rubber band kitty is waiting for me to pet her.

by kittysaurusrex September 28, 2010

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kc and the sunshine band

1. Used when talking about a white person who is like, acting, or pretending to be black. In reference to a 1970s soul band who's main singer, KC, was white.

2. An awesome 1970s soul band.

1. Andre: "Did you see that kid eat all of that watermelon?"
LaFanduh: "I know. That white boy was totally KC and the Sunshine Band."

by Acorn Man July 1, 2015

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Semantic Band-Aid

All the verbal things one scampers to congure up, contort, and convey as sincerely as possible to patch up whatever's left of what was once an intimate relationship.

Janet: You broke up with Chad?!? Super-sensitive Chad? He's gonna implode!
Beth: I know! Too sensitive! That was the problem! So tonight I'm getting more stoned than the 10 commandments and write down every Semantic Band-Aid I can possibly pull out of the universe's bing-hole to make sure he doesn't mistake his dog's bed for his mother's womb and his Pabst bottles for breasts for the next half-year.

by smASH ULMall June 9, 2009

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Band-aid tan

The strip of white on your body (usually the finger) from where you left a band-aid on for a while (esp. while outside).

Her band-aid tan made her look like she had some sort of skin condition after she left her band-aid on during a day of tanning.

by SnKat March 22, 2012

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Rubber Band Sandwich

What one is confronted with when going down on a woman with large labia.

Murray : Are you into women with big labias?

Josh : I wouldn't say i'm "into" big labias, but if i go down there and find a big rubber band sandwich i'm not gonna kick her out of bed.

by captain jerkoff August 6, 2010

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Rubber Bands in the Pants

Rubber Bands in the Pants: V. To wear physical birth control after it has been used once. many rappers do this so that they may have "quickies" in-between songs at shows.

"I got the Rubber Bands that were in 50 Cents Pants, but they were crusty and dry so I had to take care in selling them on eBay."
- Fred, in accounting.

Doug: "Jake, wanna go to my mother's house for supper?"
Jake: "Can't buddy, Ive got Rubber Bands in the Pants."
Doug: "Again?"

by Josh Mil. January 4, 2008

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Montreal Band Trips

A period of time where a group of 4 boys with the rest of a band get to go completely crazy and loose all respect for authority etc. These 4 men can be found either buying smokes and beer, puking in bathtubs, trashing hotel rooms etc.

"That's a dang ol!"
"Dad dad I got 100% on my test!"
"Ronnie don't you do this to me again"

by oojuu June 23, 2003

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