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beef cake

a description of a big muscly women with a mans voice

emily sexton of royton,manchester is a beef cake

by bob September 4, 2004

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beef cutains

Found down below in a female aka protruding from the vage

It is another name for the cunt falps, pish flaps, labia lips, gammon flaps, beef drapes etc

Shut your beef cutains ya slapper!

by the anderons May 20, 2008

8๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beef and broccoli

Slang for smoking weed and eating munchies in Hawaii.

Hey brah, you like beef and broccoli with me?

by Kauai-kimo October 24, 2018

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Beef Finger

1. Bringing your anus to someones finger
2. a finger that has penetrated many ani

Bring your anus to my beef finger!
man, my beef finger smells today

by YeastyCunt March 19, 2011

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Roast beef

A "Roast" where you have "beef" with someone

Fam Imma bout to Roast beef the man you made fun of my mama

by Funnnyjoke May 10, 2018

8๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beef Wellington

A fancy name for your penis.

Em: Hey come on lets fuck already!

Dave: Yea sure! But I need to ask Beef Wellington if its ok.

by =3MC= August 24, 2009

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Beef curtain

When the linings of a females' vagina are lose and flappy or floppy

I was banging this hoe last Sunday and her beef curtains were flappying all over the place.

by THam77x June 29, 2016

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