A boyfriend is someone who loves and cares for you no matter what, someone who has been thru the ups and downs with you someone who cherish you and only you, he’s the one you tell about your bad day, he’s the one that would never judge you, he’s your rock don’t forget he’s not only your boyfriend he’s also your bestfriend so when you loose him you’re also losing a friend...so ladies dont cheat on him for a fuckboy been there done that 🥴
“Do you know him?”
“Yes thats my boyfriend, he’s the one i can rely on the most”
A boy who can make you feel special. A person who makes you feel like the only one who exists.
Someone who isn't rude(it's not true if he is abusive/rude) Someone who makes you feel like your awesome a person who is loving and caring. Wait why are you searching this up is it to find out if he's right.
My "Boyfriend" is caring.
Something you don't need until high school!!!! They're a waste of time!!!
I don't need a boyfriend until high school, and neither do any of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A wast of your time they will play you and they are stupid pieces of shit
Him:wanna be my girlfriend
Her:no you discussing peace of trash
Him:your right I would be a bad boyfriend
Grandma:"Hey darling, have you found a boyfriend?"
Your Single ass self:"uhhhhhhh, grandma have you always had that necklace?"
maybe you should go and find one of these instead of looking here for one.
“hey bro, did you here Anna got a boyfriend?”
“Yo, what the fuck is a boyfriend?”
A boyfriend is the man who gives her butterflies when he texts her back.
A boyfriend is the man she's proud to show her friends and her family.
A boyfriend is the man she wants to give all of her to if he treats her right.
A boyfriend is the man who drives her crazy.
A boyfriend is the man who NEVER cheats on the woman he loves.
A boyfriend is what most women hope to have at some point.
A boyfriend is everything to his girlfriend.
Girl 1: "My boyfriend drives me crazy sometimes, but I love him so much! He treats me so well and I want to give him all of me!"
Girl 2: "You are so lucky! The last boyfriend I had was an idiot who slept around while with me!"
Girl 1: "Was he really your boyfriend then?"
Girl 2: "Good point!"