Those rude motherfuckers who hold up check out lines by taking an "important call". Many times they exacerbate the situation with a fistful of expired coupons.
I'm changing check out lanes. That damned check out squatter will be there until closing.
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The act of checking your friend after a night of partying to be sure that he is where he needs to be, is not dead, and is in a safe and secure location.
My friend and I got wasted last night and drove all over town, but after a routine bro-check this morning, I decided he was safe.
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Checking one's email though certain one has received no important communication. Compulsively and frequently checking one's email when one is not expecting an important message.
Between friends in a cybercafe: "Hey could you hurry up so I can get on and check my email?" "Who are you kidding, little bro, you know all your email buddies have dropped you like a brick!" "Yeah, I gotta check my spam. . . vamoose!"
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A phrase used when someone is operating in a sheltered mindset of racial, sexual, national or other exceptionalism. This phrase is typically employed when someone is speaking in an arrogant or ignorant manner, or being smug or condescending as a result of privileged status that they were born into, or achieved by virtue of their race, class, or caste.
Things one would respond to with "Check your privilege":
1. If the ghetto is so bad, why don't they just move out?
2. Is racism really even an issue anymore?
3. If they're so poor, they should just get a better job.
4. Well of course they're losing their house, it was a poor investment. Serves them right.
5. My parents worked hard so I don't need a handout.
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Noun. A member of the U.S. Republican Party who eschews conservative social issues in favour of those political policies meant to perpetuate the priviledged position of himself and his wealthy fellow travelers. Sometimes also referred to as a "Country Club Conservative", "Republicrats" or "Rockefeller Republican", the latter term derived from former U.S. Vice President and Governor of New York, Nelson Rockefeller. Checked Pant Republicans consistently pander to the plutocracy of the United States through the promotion of issues such as reduced progressivity of taxation, reduced restrictions on commerce through the elimination or reduction of regulation, the promotion of free trade through the unilaterial elimination of "protective" measures such as tarrifs, quotas, etc. (in short the promotion of a "School of Manchester/Chicago" approach to economics). In turn, they tend to ignore/downplay the social issues important to Cultural/Movement (aka "Real") Conservatives, such as the fight against abortion, the promotion of traditional, Western based, Judeo Christian cultural norms, unapologetic patriotism, the defence of the traditional nuclear family, the fight against the rise of cultural degeneracy, opposition to bilingual education, opposition to public acceptance/promotion of open homosexuality, school vouchers and prayers in school.
Republican Voter #1: "Hey, I'm, thinking of voting for Mitt Romney rather than New Gingrich. I just feel that Mitt better captures my feelings on Wall Street Fatcats getting richer through bailouts, Chinese imports gutting our manufacturing base through our unilateral elimination of tarrifs and quotas and our slide into a degenerate society that is being undermined by liberal values on basically everything."
Republican Voter #2: "Better think twice, son. Both Mitt and Newt are nothing but Checked Pant Republicans, conveniently masquerading in the primaries as Real Conservatives in order to win your vote.
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Talking somone in any manner to assure the are still alive. This includes a text simply saying "hi"or any simple greeting. As well as the understated message of warm body check.
This phrase began with College RA's having to make sure all of people in the hall were there.
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The act of giving a credit check ( the act of swiping ones hand through the ass crevace of another) whilst sneaking up on him and pulling his forehead backwards making him temporarily paralyzed, spazzing, and crumble to the ground violently ( taking everything aorund him out along with him )
Eddie crumbled to the ground hard and violently after Joey gave him a Nazi Credit Check
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