When you're eating a girl out during 69 and a slight movement loosens and drops a few pieces of butt crust into your mouth while you are devouring that pink taco
Damn Bro I was eating this girl out and she didn't wipe the night before so you already know I got a taste of that chocolate chip taco
He takes his jizz and smacks the girl in the ass and face
He did the saucey chip
He takes his jizz and Wacks his girl in the ass and face
He did a saucey chip
In 1983 Blue Chip opened its doors on the San Francisco Wharf and began serving the best cookie in the country! After 36 years they still are baking up the best and shipping them all around the country.
I just received the best gourmet cookies I have ever tasted from my financial advisor, they are called Blue Chip Cookies.
A popular 1940's term for a rumor spreading about. Common synonym to Scuttlebutt
There was much beating of gums and chipping of teeth over the air raid last week among the troops.
Underrated ice cream, and for those who think mint chocolate chip tastes like toothpaste, you've obviously never had it before.
Person 1: God diddly dumptious do I love mint choc chip ice cream
Person 2: Shit taste like toothpaste!
Person 1: Where are you buying that toothpaste??!
The epitome of the perfect human you could ever find, this is the man u can be gay for