A sign often used by young white teens to signify "dominance" and how cool you are.
Wow! He's so cool because he has Four Fingers Up!
Having four fingers up means that your a dear fan of christian nodal and would give the world for him 😈😍🐐🤤
Omg that kid put four fingers up he must love Christian nodal
if you put four fingers up you dont really have a clue why you doin it but u see other kids doin it but the real meaning is that you like kissing 4 different men simultaneously.
"I be puttin four fingers up to show my love for men innit"
you're my biggest fan
she sent me a picture with four fingers up she must be my biggest fan
four fingers up mean your obsessed with anakay.
i have four fingers up .. i must be in love with anakay😍😍😍
You want to send titty pics to Benny.
Jasmine put four fingers up because she wants to send boobs to bennny.
Four fingers up means you want to send tits to Benny
She put “ four fingers up” which means she wants to show me her boobs.