A Russian mythical demon that comes and eats little children at night who do not brush their teeth
Little Timmy: "But Dad I don't want to brush my teeth!"
Dad: "Careful Little Timmy, if you don't, Glornops the Nightmare Machine will come for you in your sleep..."
The prime of the internet, and a catalyst for eliteness and knowledge. Feared by many, abused by some, respected by all. Unrivalled in verbal engagement, and unbeatable in the same respect. Truly the cream of modern day ownage. See elite, leet, ownage, pimp.
This do0d from NM totally destroyed my pathetic ass on eplanet last night, while completely obliterating me verbally !
a bozo who has the IQ of a peanut and cant seal the deal.
He thinks hes a good wrestler but in the end hes just a lame ass bum who took steriods to win. Captain Stretchy is the real champ. I am not Captain Stretchy
Hey you just killed a cute kitty. Good one Captain Machine!
Nickname of EXO's Chen.
A real dancing machine. This man can shuffle until the sun comes up, but don't invite him to your party because he will whine so much about anything and everything that it'll either make you insane or deaf.
MC: "What do you call yourself?"
Chen: "Chencing machine."
The address size in the target architecture you compile your C program for, it used to be unsigned int all the time everywhere, now it’s unsigned long as of the amd64 aka x86-64 until we get 128-bit computers then all bets will be off in the LINUX KERNEL HELLSYUAH, but really it’s a size_t from stddef.h and oh shit dawg, that acid is starting to kick in and I feel funny
x86 has a natural machine word size of 32, and x86-64 has unsigned ints with a size of 32 (wtf?)
with pepperoni on the side
brodeen lmk when pizza machine comes
a common colloquialism for an impact wrench. An onomatopoeia, derived from the sound that pneumatically powered impact wrenches make when a sufficient rotational resistance is met, triggering the whirring and clicking (jiga-jiga) sound of the internal hammering mechanism.
In order to take the wheels off of my car, I got out my trustworthy jiga-jiga machine.