Rice that is one quarter Indian. It will probably compulsively lie and intrude on other people's homes.
Comes to Your House:
On the phone"Hey it's My Cool Rice! Dude, lets talk about our music! I'm coming now"
A bowl pack mixed with dab wax
i swear it’s like i jus smoked a rice krispie treat of weed and dab wax 🤤🍯
1. A person of discerning taste who refuses but the best quality of rice in his dishes.
2. A Snob who is very selective as to the quality of rice in his food
This rice bowl is the best, they’re true Rice-ists at this restaurant.
Any inferior or crap car or motor cycle that has been tricked up to look good. Janky is for the Crapness and inferiority of the vehicle and rice rocket refers to how it is tricked up to look flash and (japanesey)
Hugh: Yo Ted, Check out Mcfarlane's car it looks pretty ruthless.
Teddy: Na man that thing is just a Janky Rice Rocket i wouldnt touch it with a 50 foot pole.
A Black man’s asshole is so thermally hot that one could achieve fried rice on it
Person 1: “Jamal I wish I had fried rice”
Person 2: “Ling Ling, Nigger fry rice in my asshole, a black man’s ass is always hot”
Using a black man’s asshole to cook fried rice
4👍 2👎
the Sexiest bad ass alive. Often seen drinking black velet or vodka seen Often with a Magoo
B-rice Qake is looking sexy today