Slang word for cool, or used when someone is unwell.
Hey bro, that was sick!
I’m not coming to work today, I’m sick.
1) Affected by an illness
2) Disgusting
3) Cool, great, awesome
4) Not well
1) I was diagnosed with the common cold. I'm so sick!
2) He actually showed them the gross pictures? He's such a sick bastard!
3) Yo, you seen the new show on Netflix? It's sick!
4) I feel sick af, Imma throw up.
A ship name between Nick and Samantha
Samantha is amazing. Sick for Life!!!
Zachary: Hey you two are Sick for life.
Nick and Samantha: I know right
A poker term used to describe a perceived wrong doing or a move that was in bad taste or "plain wrong"
"She called a raise with a queen-ten! Thats just so sick!
Copulation or sex act between 2 or more people when they are ill.
The couple with the flu was up all night coughing, but had hot and wild sicks anyway.