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Slang word for cool, or used when someone is unwell.

Hey bro, that was sick!
I’m not coming to work today, I’m sick.

by Rakesh christoval October 14, 2020


when u cant go to school

Mom i am sick i cant go to school today :(

by slovac March 24, 2022


1) Affected by an illness
2) Disgusting
3) Cool, great, awesome
4) Not well

1) I was diagnosed with the common cold. I'm so sick!

2) He actually showed them the gross pictures? He's such a sick bastard!

3) Yo, you seen the new show on Netflix? It's sick!

4) I feel sick af, Imma throw up.

by CrispyBun April 9, 2019


A ship name between Nick and Samantha

Samantha is amazing. Sick for Life!!!

Zachary: Hey you two are Sick for life.

Nick and Samantha: I know right

by MrFlash64 April 4, 2018


When something is fucked up.

Joey: Man, that sick
Steve: I know it's fucked up.

by Go away you bastard....... April 9, 2019


A poker term used to describe a perceived wrong doing or a move that was in bad taste or "plain wrong"

"She called a raise with a queen-ten! Thats just so sick!

by merkbang April 4, 2019


Copulation or sex act between 2 or more people when they are ill.

The couple with the flu was up all night coughing, but had hot and wild sicks anyway.

by BrettieG December 9, 2023