Source Code

Superman Syndrome

A term used to describe a person who looks completely unrecognizable when they take off or put on glasses.

Dude 1: *waves to a guy in the hall
Dude 2: Hey who's that?
Dude 1: Oh, that's George.
Dude 2: Really? I couldn't recognize him without his glasses.
Dude 1: Yeah, he's got superman syndrome

by ksdedoof December 7, 2013

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microwave syndrome

When a wireless internet signal is interrupted by a nearby running microwave.

Guy: Hey sorry I got disconnected from chat, my computer got microwave syndrome.

by caretcaret December 19, 2009

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Iyeman syndrome

morons who will say something stupid in feeble attempts to be funny

"This thread has some serious potential..."

"I'm hoping the same too although I fear I'll have to filter at least ten more morons who suffer from the Iyeman syndrome~."

by Karelisgay April 1, 2010

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Goldfish Syndrome

being bored very easily as well as being easily amused; anything will catch your attention, so you loose your train of thought, that and you have the attention span of a goldfish

classic Goldfish Syndrome:
hi i'm sam. do you like my bowl? oh look sea puff!
hi i'm sam do you like my bowl? oh look a sea puff!

hey, do you like - oooooo shiny!

by frequentGFS October 12, 2009

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Tucson syndrome

severe suicidal feelings or thoughts, similar to those brought forth by prolonged stays in the city of Tucson, Arizona.

Man, living in 1980's East Berlin is giving me a severe case of Tucson Syndrome.
The doctor succumbed to his Tucson Syndrome and swallowed several bottles of Codeine.

by V45h May 20, 2008

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LL Syndrome

LL Syndrome is a theory used to explain the phenomenon of the internet hivemind liking something when it is new and unpopular, then hating it once it becomes discovered, especially in the non-internet realm. It falls into three distinct phases: delusions of grandeur, consciousness of popularity and then hatred and disdain.

Oh god, Family Guy and Dane Cook so used to be funny. They've just been LL Syndrome'd now and they're no longer funny.

by NES Kess May 21, 2009

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Gaga syndrome

When a certain person becomes completely obsessed with Lady Gaga and tries to mimic her hair, makeup, clothing, and singing style he or she has Gaga Syndrome. But if you try to copy Lady Gaga's awesomeness only one thing can happen--you fail miserably. Side-effects might include making music videos where you say that you "Can't be Tamed", having wings in the video, or a huge amount of makeup on (*cough cough MILEY CYRUS cough cough*).

Did you see Miley Cyrus' "Can't Be Tamed" video?
Yeah! She has a serious case of Gaga Syndrome!


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