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God Bud

God Bud originates in the BC islands and is one of the newest strains to come about. It is characterized by being a very potent strain that is stronger than most others available today. It also usually a smaller plant, has darker leaves than most other marijuana plants and has a very distinct and strong aroma to it.

- I just copped an eigth of some killer bud man.
-- Yeah, what kind is it?
- It's called God Bud, shit completely knocks you out.

by Kidd Flow March 17, 2005

92๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

god's cum

God's cum is sweet as honey. I just demand that God comes down from heaven and shoots his hot load inside of me. God comes down flips me on my stomach and pounds on me until he covers the inside of my body with his hot sweet honey cum. I then demand God to go back to heaven until I want his cum in me again

God's cum is sweet as honey.

by obsessivesexualbehavior December 16, 2015

22๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Paintball God

One who is a skilled and knowledgable in all aspects of Paintball. (in otherwords, not Ray Darkness)

Excells at not only Speedball.... but also Urban and Wooded events. Knows which type of marker/gear best suits each enviroment accordingly.

by Xtreme Sports January 30, 2005

52๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

yeet god

you already know its Lazarbeam

you are a yeet god

by dfghjujkm November 1, 2019

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God boy

A fundmentalist Christian. First applied to Ned Flanders, in "The Simpsons" animated series.

Joe: We thank you, oh Lord...
Jim: Take it outside, God boy.

by Rod Brock May 15, 2006

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God's bitch

1) Someone who is extremely unfortunate, used as a term of slight pity; presumably as they are being mistreated by God.

2) Someone who follows their religion with a zealour. (Mainly directed at Christians.)

1) I lost my wallet, my dog died, and I failed my degree.

Wow, you really are god's bitch.

2) Jesus Christ, will you stop being God's bitch?

by darkshaow September 20, 2005

48๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone that's just better than everyone else in every way possible. The one and only E-God obviously is DFoxie.

DFoxie is such an E-God. Go follow his twitch RIGHT NOW

by DTruthBiich May 14, 2019

77๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž