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The Big Bang theory show

A modern nerdy ripoff of that 70's show

The Big Bang theory show vs That 70's show

Raj-fez - the foreign brown guy who goes from shy to Chatty Cathy

Howard-Kelso - the perverted dumbass

Bernadette-Jackie - the occasional bitch

Leonard-Hyde - the curly-headed voice of reason who plays second banana to a super nerd

Sheldon-Eric - the crazy nerd obsessed with Star Wars

Amy-Donna - the main character's girlfriend

Penny-Laurie- the cheap blonde

by Piece7 January 7, 2014

37πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

show me your titties

Sentence used in Chapelle's show, while impersonating Rick James.

Show me your titties!
I'm rich bitch!
I'm RIck James Bitch!

by luis peter July 29, 2006

37πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Show her the 50 states

A now famous line used in the movie
horrible bosses
It is used twice in the movie
in the credits, they put a spin on it, leaving the audience laughing once the movie is over

-I would like to bend her over that barrel and show her the 50 states-
*Where is that from?*
-A movie-
*No it isn't*
-It is now-

by daxtonisawesome July 27, 2011

294πŸ‘ 157πŸ‘Ž

Shit Show University (SSU)

Any time a night of partying at college gets out of control.

College Kid#1:Are we taking a trip to Shit show university (SSU) tonight?

College kid #2: True

by ThirdFloor March 9, 2009

20πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Show em Who's Boss

a response to someone's statement when they show authority, dominance or certainty in the statement. If they put some emphasis on their statement and want everyone to know that they run the show, you respond with the phrase. It has a sarcastic tone and can abruptly end the conversation at times.

Person 1: I'm gonna win this damn game idiot!

Person 2: Show em Who's Boss Bak!

by Mike Provenzano October 29, 2009

12πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Kerry King's Quiz Show

The K.K.Q.S. is a move performed during sexual intercourse. The female is on her knees and the male is standing. Slayer’s β€œRaining Blood” has to be playing at a high volume. The male swings hid wang around in a circular motion (like the wheel in a game show) while the female tries to catch it in her mouth.

Jesus and I just performed the Kerry King's Quiz Show in my bathroom.

by Mr. KrΓΌger February 17, 2006

13πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Female Regular Show Fan

A female Regular Show viewer that constantly creates pictures of Mordecai and Rigby holding hands and kissing on deviantArt and says how cute it is.

Female Regular Show Fan: (Looks at painting of Mordecai and Rigby kissing) "Awww that is sooo cute make some more!"

by I hate doing these April 26, 2011

33πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž